Thought Experiment #2

What if we look at the situation as broken, from both a US and global perspective.

What if we completely shut down the Southern US border, as a temporary therapeutic process. No immigration.

Then we turn to the undocumented aliens and deal with their situation by giving them a kind of citizenship. Yes of course they need to go through the usual process that anyone from Europe would go through, learning this and that. but we accept that they are here, they are doing jobs that no one else will do, that we need them to do, so they should be allowed to become citizens, of a sort.

A sort of second class citizen, yes. (by some more palatable name)

And the reason for that is that they have violated the law by coming into the country. So they admit that, and we issue an amnesty decree, based on certain conditions.

First of all they have to have a job of some kind. An employer needs to sponsor them. Secondly, they need to have a portion of their wages taken out to contrubute to a superfund with their home country’s name on it, e.g. – The Mexico Superfund, the Venezuela Superfund, etc. Those funds are to be used to contribute back to their home country economically, e,g, – in the form of microloans to encourage entrepreneurship.

The idea is to strengthen other country’s economies so that they will produce fewer refugees. In fact in some ways we could turn the usual idea that these are problem people from other countries and consider rather that they are assets that other countries have supported with schools and infrastructure that we have now acquired and will potentially benefit from by adding their futures and energies to our society.

But we do wish that all peoples could be spared the need to leave countries where they already speak the language, have family connections, homes, jobs and sometimes professional careers, and come to the US to restart everything at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder.

So, we ask such immigrants and their employers to contribute to country-specifc superfunds, at least for a while.

And then we open up the border again, such that incoming people need to agree to and sign similar contracts.

Paradoxically, by investing in and strengthening other countries, we may slow immigration to a crawl.