paul’s tennisDiary

Reach goals
Overview There's always the bleeding edge, what you are reaching for and hope to stabilize, and then there's what you...
Coming out of the closet
Not to diminish in any way the often fraught decisions that people make in deciding to publicly declare a new sexual...
The Hinge serve
You may think that after almost 60 years on court you know all there is to know about the serve but of course that's...
The limp wrist serve
Starting with a limp wrist has all kinds of baggage as a phrase, but in tennis it turns out to have some high-level...
The hazard of following my advice in How to Be Your Own Best Tennis Pro is that you have no one but yourself to come...
I'm on vacation today, and so had a lavishly lengthy amount of time of time to work on various strokes this a.m. with...
IN MEDIA RES Forehand: Looking at some ideas in this analysis of Diego Schwartzman's forehand, working on the high...